Drums on Fire - Drum workshops and courses Salzburg

Drum shows workshop and courses for all ages

Travel around the world with the African djembe

if you are minimum 8 kids/adults and you have an available location that can fit
(for example school,seminar room, studio or even at your home) we can open a new course together.
Min. 8 participants - max. 20 Participants/Group

Coming courses:

Jeder Kurs kommt nur ab 8 Personen zustande, deshalb bitte um baldige Info & Anmeldung
Trommelkurs für Kinder von 3 bis 5 Jahre:
Mi, 11. Oktober 2023 | 15.30-16.00 Uhr, WEITERE TERMINE: 18. Okt., 8. / 15. / 22. Nov. 2023 //
EKIZ Hallwang

Trommelkurs für Kinder ab 6 Jahre:
Mi, 11. Oktober 2023 | 16.15-17.15 Uhr WEITERE TERMINE: 18. Okt., 8. / 15. / 22. Nov. 2023
EKIZ Hallwang

Contact us and create your own drum course (min. 8 person) in a school, hall or at home.

Check out our circus courses offers also


Trommel zu verkauf Professional African drums for children and adults for sale. Details
Interactive show

interaktive show Drum circles, possibly with fire show,
For company celebrations, birthdays, festivals etc. Details
Drums workshops

trommelworkshop Training and coaching for group work between employees, students etc. Details
Music birthday

trommelworkshop for parties with minimum 10 kids
Length: 60-120 min Details
Workshops for kids

projekttage For school project days / summer program, educational music workshop for children. Details
Drum courses for kids

kindertrommelkurse Learn music with joy - weekly drum courses for children 3-16 years old. Details
Drum courses for adults

trommelworkshops Weekly drum courses for adults,
Course duration: 8*60 minutes or 5*60 minutes Details